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Abstract Horizon


2021 年 1 月,一群美國華裔大學生齊聚一堂,成立了 Bridging Pacific——一個為華裔美國移民提供資源和社區的非營利組織。






Sharon 陳思澐 是康奈爾大學酒店管理專業的大三學生。她最初在中國出生和長大,13 歲時隨家人移居加利福尼亞。她親身體驗了從中國到美國的文化轉變以及人們可能面臨的障礙或障礙。通過 Bridging Pacific,她希望鼓勵和激勵後代的移民開放和接受不同的觀點,同時不忽視他們的遺產。



Brandon 了解身處一個被陌生的想法和人包圍的全新國家是什麼感覺。他希望利用橋接太平洋作為一種方式來幫助第二代中國移民了解他們的文化,並與父母建立更深入、更有意義的關係。

Valentina Xu (headshot 2).jpeg

Valentina 許佳是康奈爾大學酒店管理專業的大三學生。她最初在中國出生和長大,14 歲時在俄亥俄州的一所寄宿學校上學。後來,她的家人搬到了紐約長島。  


創辦 Bridging Pacific 的靈感來自於她與媽媽和弟弟在家裡度過的學期。在處理功課的同時,她幫助家人辦理移民手續,幫助弟弟申請高中,以及網上設置水費自動支付等小事。她發現第一代移民沒有一個集中的地方可以找到支持的資源。然後,她決定共同創立橋接太平洋,並建立一個資源庫和社區,為移民家庭提供支持。  


通過 Bridging Pacific,她想首先為中國移民父母創建一個資源庫,讓他們在北美的生活更加順暢。她還希望為移民兒童創建一個社區,並支持他們的學業和職業發展。從長遠來看,她希望移民社區建設能夠在全球範圍內擴展,成為“橋接世界”。

Team Members

Alice Li 李玥明 (New York University Class of 2022, International Relations Major) was originally born in China. At the age of 14, she went to high school in Massachusetts and later immigrated there with her family. Throughout her experiences of immigration, she noticed that the sense of cultural identity is crucial for people like her having transnational experiences. Language is often the key to identity awareness. With connections to both Chinese society and American society, many of us access news and information in both Chinese and English regularly. Joining BP, she wishes to help provide more resources in bilingual settings for Chinese American immigrants with diverse needs to adapt to a new environment.


Christy Lin 林慧莹 (Pacific Lutheran University Class of 2022, Nursing Major) was born and raised in Guangzhou China. She immigrated to Portland, OR at the age of 13 and is a first-generation college student. As the only person that speaks English when she first moved to the US, she was the advocate and translator for her family when they encountered hardships due to language barriers and unknown systems. This taught her how fraught the immigration experience is and it deepened her empathy towards other Chinese immigrants. Through Bridging Pacific, Christy hopes to share her stories and resources to those who are going through the same challenges as they step foot into a new country.

Ariel Wu 武楚荷 (Barnard College Class of 2023, Cognitive Science Major) was originally from China, then moved to the US for high school. She was a freshman in high school when she immigrated here with her younger brother and her mom who didn’t speak English. She saw how her family was dealing with different challenges but being confused herself, she wasn’t able to help them in the best way she could. She saw a quote from Twitter that said “be the person who you needed when you grew up”. So she joined this organization to be the person that she and her family, and more families like hers needed when they first moved to the US.

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